1 Peter 2:13-14 — Human Authority

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

We have spent two days talking about the first seven words of verse 13. In “The Meaning of Submit” and “For His Sake” we looked at what it means to submit, or “put under,” and why this is important to Christians. Now we look at the rest of this verse and the next. 

We live in a time where everything is seemingly being turned upside down. The year of this writing is 2020. If you are reading this at some future date, you will know how 2020 turned out. For the rest of us, reading this in the middle of this unusual year, we are still wondering what will happen. 

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1 Peter 1:15-16 — Picking Nits

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

The word, “holy” suggests that something or someone is pure, sinless, upright, and set apart for God. God, Himself is the definition of holy. As I understand Peter he is saying that we who are called by God should be like God. Not in the things that are unique to God, his power, omniscience, and authority, etc., but in his character. God is humble and loving, patient, kind, and long-suffering. Those are the things we can emulate. 

Discerning the difference between what is unique to God and what he can share with us is important. We need to understand that He is God and we are not. It is the lack of discernment in this area that led Lucifer to presume he could be like God. I think we are in danger of falling into the same trap when we presume upon God’s authority. 

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1 Peter 1:1 (b) — Ambassadors from God

A collage of clocks all set to different times.

…an apostle of Jesus Christ…

Language is essential to civilization. It is how we share ideas. Without language so many things we take for granted would disappear. For example, look at the concept of time. For time to have any value, all of us have to agree on what time it is. Imagine a world where nobody could agree on what time it is. We all set our watches and clocks to whatever time we felt was right. We could all agree to “meet at 6 PM” but no two people would show up at the same time.

By the same token, if we cannot agree on the meaning of words, then we are at a loss to communicate. If we have a different understanding of a word’s meanings, then we might assume we have communicated when, in fact, we have not. The more technical the topic, the more critical a correct understanding of words becomes. Engineers have extremely detailed understandings for specific words. Without them, we couldn’t build bridges or send rockets into space.

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