1 Peter 1:20 — Let’s Agree


He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. 

It is hard to know how to approach the text here. We just blasted through two whole verses with a story about a shepherd who was kidnapped to be a slave four millennia ago. We could have taken a week or more to parse those same two verses. Today’s passage is similar. Today’s verse hangs in the sky as if it were a neon sign. Each word is like a beacon of light that illuminates dozens if not hundreds of passages throughout Scripture. 

The “He” Peter refers to is Jesus, of course. Peter referred to the “blood of Christ” in the prior verse. 

Jesus, he says, was, “…chosen…” 

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1 Peter 1: 1 (c) — God’s Eye

A green heart shaped stone represents the heart of man without God.

To God’s elect…

If you live in a place where there are elections, you might think that being one of God’s “elect” has something to do with being chosen. Looked at in a certain light, you would not be far off. Some people like to make a fuss over the idea that some are chosen and others are not, but it is not that simple. We all come into this world the same way by birth. We all leave through the same door; death. The problem with being human is that we cannot “see” things the same way that God sees them.

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