Colossians 3:10b – Strange Words

A picture of the words "renewed, knowledge, image, and Creator" floating against a background of space.

… which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 

Summary: Paul’s words in this passage offer a tantalizing glimpse into the revelation he received about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. 

This passage is one of the “Top Ten” most interesting passages in Colossians. The phrase “renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator” suggests various meanings that stir the imagination. 

What does Paul mean? 

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1 Peter 2:24 (b) — Signpost

Picture: Rustic sign pointing to the "Next Step."

… so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness …

Today’s passage speaks to a theme that has been on my heart quite strongly for the past year or so. What does it mean to “die to sins and live for righteousness?” If we want to follow Peter’s guidance, what do we do? Moreover, if we want our church body to follow Peter’s teaching here, what do we do? 

If we are to die to our sin, we have to be aware that we are sinning. If we are to live for righteousness, we need to have some concept of what that means. Is it possible for us to do either without being in God’s Word every day? 

Continue reading “1 Peter 2:24 (b) — Signpost”