Colossians 2:18b – Detour

[Do not let] … the worship of angels disqualify you.

Old road/running trail marked by a sign that reads "Detour."

Summary: This passage is a lot deeper than it looks. As we dive into the topic we discover surprising truths about the spiritual realm and about our own hope for salvation. 

As we look at this passage, several questions come to mind. 

  • Why would anyone promote the idea of worshiping angels? 
  • What does the Bible say about worshiping angels? 
  • What does Paul mean by being disqualified?

The first question is impossible to answer because we can’t go back and ask whoever was doing it. Even if we could, the answer we got from them might not be the truth. We can guess, but it is only a guess, and in the end, it doesn’t really matter. 

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Colossians 2:18a – True or False?

Do not let anyone who delights in false humility …

the arrogant pharisee and the humble tax collector in Luke 18:9-14

Summary: Paul’s warning about people who “delight” in “false humility” sounds rather general but is actually quite specific. 

It is nice of Paul to warn us against people who “delight” in “false humility,” but how do we know who that is? In short, who is Paul talking about? 

In Paul’s day, the church was a new thing. People had the Old Testament writings for reference, but the New Testament was still being written. The Gospel message about believing in Jesus was spreading fast. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people who tried to add their own rules to the Gospel. 

The problem facing the Colossians in Paul’s day still faces us today: How do we tell who is speaking the truth? 

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