Colossians 3:13c – The High Bar

Picture of athlete running to pole vault.

Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 

Summary: Forgiving as the Lord forgives, sets the bar fairly high. Fortunately, Jesus shows us how it is done.  

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

— John 13:15

The quote above is Jesus speaking. The scene was the last supper before he was crucified. It was the Passover meal, the celebration of God’s final curse on the Egyptians before Pharaoh finally let Moses lead the Israelites out. 

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Colossians 3:13b – The Big Ask

Picture of a man with his arms crossed scowling at the person next to them.

… and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.

Summary: When the Bible talks about forgiveness, it touches a nerve people can relate to.  

Suddenly, although it should not come as a surprise, we turn the corner of Paul’s thinking and come face to face with the Big Ask. 

Paul has been instructing us about God’s love for us as his chosen people. God wants us to clothe ourselves with qualities that reflect God’s love; compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 

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