Colossians 3:9b – White Lies

Do not lie to each other …

Summary: Wondering about white lies leads us to wonder about the nature of truth as well. 

The “Food for Thought” question at the end of the last meditation was, “Are ‘white lies’ okay in church?” This sparked comments that raised more questions.

The consensus in the comments was that we shouldn’t tell “white lies.”  Lies are the province of the devil, the “father of lies” (John 8:44). Ergo, Christians should avoid lies of any kind. I agree, but what does that mean? 

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Colossians 3:8d – The Opposite of Good

Picture of a man with a devil on his shoulder whispering in his ear.

[… rid yourselves of] … malice …

Summary: Words have meanings, and meanings are important. “Malice” may not be a word we use very often anymore, but it is a good word that describes a very common condition. 

One of the things Paul encourages us to get rid of is “malice.” Malice is a great word, but one we don’t often use. The simplest definition I found for it is “the intention or desire to do evil.”* More explicitly, it is a desire to do harm or cause suffering. 

Okay … “evil” is a small word, but it carries a big stick. What does “evil” mean? 

Continue reading “Colossians 3:8d – The Opposite of Good”