Colossians 3:9a – A Flea Called “Deception”

A picture of a man in a dog suit sitting in church.

Do not lie to each other …

Summary: Deception is the art of obscuring the truth. It is also the hallmark of Satan (John 8:44). There is no place for deception in the Body of Christ. 

Isn’t it interesting that Paul needed to tell the Colossians that they shouldn’t lie to each other? 

Just because we go to church doesn’t mean we leave the “tent” of our bodies at home (2 Peter 1:13). All the things about our “earthly nature” that Paul has been talking about go with us. When we walk through the church doors on Sunday morning, our spiritual fleas of “anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language” still cling to our flesh.  

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1 Peter 3:7 (d) — The Gift

Picture: A baby smiles.

… and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life …

Peter has packed a lot of instruction into this one passage we have been studying. He began by telling husbands to be considerate of their wives. Then he adds, “treat them with respect.” Before we, his readers, can even begin to form the question, “Why?” in our minds, Peter offers the answer. Because your wife is your partner, and because she is physically weaker, you must take extra care to show that you respect her. Oh yes, Peter adds, there is one other reason. Because she is an heir with you of the gift of life. 

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