Colossians 3:12c – Doing Compassion

…[clothe yourselves with] …compassion …

Picture of people serving food to an elderly woman.

Summary: God’s Word is amazingly consistent in every way. Compassion has something very much in common with faith; both require deeds to become real. 

The first piece of spiritual “clothing” that Paul wants us to put on is compassion. 

“Compassion” is a word that describes the feelings of pity and sympathy we have for people who are suffering. The Greek word Paul used takes this concept even further. 

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Colossians 3:1b – Things Above

… set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Summary: Bridging the language barrier between our world and Paul’s is not always easy or straightforward. Sometimes, we have to think hard about what he is saying. 

It is interesting how my mind plays tricks on me. 

You can play tricks on your mind, too. The funny thing is that the mind is pretty good at tricks. Take, for example, the ltetres in teshe wdors. Did you nitoce that they are all mxied up? Even though the letters are mixed up, most of you reading this will still be able to sort out what the words are.

The same thing happens with word order in a sentence. Our sees mind the words and somehow straightens out them. 

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Colossians 2:2b – Game Changer

[My goal is] … that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love …

Summary: The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross bridges the gap between our hearts and our minds, drawing us together in love.

Perhaps the most powerful concept associated with Christianity is the power to connect hearts in love.

Intellectually, it doesn’t make any sense. There are so many things we like to argue about. Each of us has our reasoning. Each one has their own perspective.

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