Colossians 3:10b – Strange Words

A picture of the words "renewed, knowledge, image, and Creator" floating against a background of space.

… which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 

Summary: Paul’s words in this passage offer a tantalizing glimpse into the revelation he received about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. 

This passage is one of the “Top Ten” most interesting passages in Colossians. The phrase “renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator” suggests various meanings that stir the imagination. 

What does Paul mean? 

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Colossians 3:2 – Things Above (Part II)

Picture of sign that reads "HEAVEN" pointing to the night sky

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 

Summary: Understanding Paul’s thought about setting our minds on “things above” requires that we first understand what he means by “above.” 

If this sounds like a repetition of the last verse, it is … kinda. Paul repeats his thought, but instead of saying, “set your hearts on things above,” here he says, “set your minds on things above.” 

There is a difference! 

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Colossians 2:18d – The Blind Tour Guide

… they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind.

Summary: In this passage, Paul returns to the basic principle of spiritual life: We have to be born again by the power of Jesus Christ to have any hope of understanding spiritual things. 

As we begin this meditation, we should review where we are. 

Most of chapter two has been about the dangers of false teachings. Paul wants us to remain focused on the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and not be distracted by anything. 

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Colossians 2:7a – Roots & Fruit

… rooted and built up in him …

Summary: As Paul continues his thought about living our lives in Christ, he leans on metaphors that have a rich history in the Bible. 

Paul is writing about the Christian life. He begins by saying, “just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him…” And then he adds, “rooted and built up in him.” 

Essentially, Paul is mixing metaphors here. To be “rooted” is a reference to a metaphor used to describe life in Christ as being part of a plant (John 15:1-8). All plants have roots. It is the root that anchors the plant in the soil while at the same time pulling life-giving water and nutrients from the soil. 

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