Humble Glory – John 17: 10

Photo by J. Englund – The Water Feature

All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.

As Jesus began his prayer, he looked to heaven and prayed to the Father, “Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.”

This idea of being glorified might seem simple to some, but to me, it seems like a very deep well. How does glory coexist with humility? The glory Jesus speaks of is not the glory of a star athlete or that of a rock star or a military hero. The glory Jesus speaks of is no more than the honor due to the one who is the source of all life, the Creator of everything. In a sense, it is simply recognizing God for who he is.

Jesus has just affirmed that the disciples know “with certainty” that he has come from the Father. (Verse 8b) They believe this absolutely. All doubt is gone. Because of this, they obey the Father’s word. (Verse 6b) This belief honors God. Obedience honors God. Honor is the kind of glory that God is looking for. This honor is not the flattery that comes from man’s lips. Rather, it is the respect that is made visible through man’s actions.

I have a very simple and somewhat embarrassing example of this principle.

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Servant Possibilities – John 12: 26

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Yesterday’s post looked at the ultimate long life: Eternity. The challenge is that to keep eternal life we must give up our love for this life in the world. Jesus follows that statement with today’s instruction: The one who serves Jesus will follow Him and be with Him. Always.

This puts me in mind of the story in Matthew 19 about the rich man. Jesus tells him that to be “perfect” he needs to sell everything, give to the poor, and follow him. The rich man goes away sad, and the disciples, knowing that we all have “riches” of some sort, ask; “Who then can be saved?” I love the answer that Jesus gives them:

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

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In my lifetime I have lived an amazing number of places. Some of those places have been exceptionally nice. Others have been… well… Hicksville. In Jesus’ day, people who lived in Samaria were considered hicks by people who lived in Jerusalem.

Technically Jesus was born in Bethlehem just south of Jerusalem, so he was every bit as “pure” as the Pharisees who derided him. Of course, he was raised in Galilee north of Samaria in a town called Nazareth. Not the most prestigious place on the planet, but not in Samaria, either. To suggest that Jesus was a Samaritan was an insult coming from a Jew, and to say that someone was demon-possessed was far worse than just an insult.

The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?”
“I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me.”

John 8: 48-49
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