1 Peter 3:18 (a) — The Flavors of Righteousness

Picture: Tubs of gourmet ice cream.
The ice cream in the upper left corner represents unrighteousness! – JE 🙂

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. 

Summary: There are four types of righteousness and two of them will get you to heaven. The only problem is that the third type is impossible to achieve and the fourth requires that somebody else achieve it and offers you a free pass. Fortunately for us, Jesus does both. 

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1 Peter 2:3 — Yum!

Picture of a cup of ice-cream and berries.

… now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

I don’t know why this should be, but there are some verses in the Bible that seem to jump off of the page. Then they grab me by the lapel and shout, “ISN’T THIS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER?!” For me, this is one of those verses. 

Peter has been talking about nourishing our spirit using the food we feed our bodies with. Specifically, he uses the example of a newborn baby craving milk. His example is ripe with all kinds of inferences that color our understanding of what he means. Then he goes on to say, “now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

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