Galatians 1:11b – Far Out, Man

… that the gospel I preached is not of human origin.

Summary: Back in the ’60’s, if someone told you something unusual or surprising, you might respond with, “Far out, man!” “Far out” was a reference to the expression “out of this world,” which meant something was very unusual. The gospel Paul preaches is “not of human origin.” It is both literally and figuratively “Far out, man.”

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Galatians 1:4c – It’s Complicated

… according to the will of our God and Father,

Summary: When we look at something extremely large and complicated, it is difficult to grasp the full measure of what it is. God’s will is like that. Take, for example, the universe. We know a lot about the night sky, but compared to what there is to know, we are about as knowledgeable as a two-year-old in a modern car factory.

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