Colossians 3:8e – Doom Loop

Hand holding a lighted wooden match with a dark woods in the background.

[… rid yourselves of] … slander …

Summary: By following each step in Paul’s thinking, we discover that he has something very specific in mind. 

Let’s go back and review the whole verse so far: 

But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander …” 

Paul is painting a portrait of a slave to SELF. When we put our self-interest above God and others, we will always find things that offend us. The rest of the world is only interested in pleasing themselves, so since my SELF is most important (to me), it is very irritating when other people do not share my concern for my own happiness. 

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Colossians 3:8d – The Opposite of Good

Picture of a man with a devil on his shoulder whispering in his ear.

[… rid yourselves of] … malice …

Summary: Words have meanings, and meanings are important. “Malice” may not be a word we use very often anymore, but it is a good word that describes a very common condition. 

One of the things Paul encourages us to get rid of is “malice.” Malice is a great word, but one we don’t often use. The simplest definition I found for it is “the intention or desire to do evil.”* More explicitly, it is a desire to do harm or cause suffering. 

Okay … “evil” is a small word, but it carries a big stick. What does “evil” mean? 

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