Happy Mother’s Day!

A mother swan carries two babies on her back.

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. — Exodus 20: 12

As I gaze over the landscape of Scripture in my mind’s eye, mothers are everywhere. From Eve, the mother of us all, to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Everywhere in Scripture are stories about mothers and the influence they have on history. One of my favorite mothers is told about in the book of Ruth.

Naomi is enduring. She travels with her husband and two sons to a foreign land because of a famine. While there both of her sons take wives from the Moabites who live there. Then tragedy strikes. Naomi’s husband dies. He is followed in death by their two sons. Naomi is left alone.

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What To Do

One of the hallmarks of living in a free country is that people can develop an aversion to being told what to do. Maybe this trend is a hallmark of all people, but it certainly is pronounced in this country. Imagine the government suddenly issuing a proclamation that requires you to drop everything you are doing, abandon all of your plans, and leave your home to travel a very long journey to some place where you have no real connections.

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register.

Luke 2: 1-3

While he was still in his mother’s womb, Jesus was already on the road, being jostled hours on end while his mother rode a donkey or walked during the ninth month of her pregnancy. My daughter-in-law is a fitness instructor and has four kids. Each one was treated to multiple workout sessions during their pregnancies, so I have to assume that if a person was used to walking a lot this would not have been the trial that a couch potato like myself might have suffered. Even so, it was a trial and a journey.

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