Life Itself – John 17: 14

I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.

Have you ever noticed how someone’s emotions can go from hot to cold in the blink of an eye? Sometimes all it takes is saying one wrong thing and people go from friend to enemy. Couples once happily married find that their feelings have changed. Where laughter once filled their lives now hate rules the day and rules their actions.

From Jesus’ point of view, the world is like a jilted lover. His disciples, once part of the world were embraced by that world. If not embraced, at least tolerated. The disciples have turned their back on the world and given their lives and their hearts to Jesus. The world is not pleased. In fact, the world is downright angry about this. Angry, bitter, and spitting mad. So mad that the world that the prince of this world* will cause those who are under his sway to hunt down Jesus’ followers and kill and imprison them. The world hates those who follow Jesus because Jesus has made it possible for those who believe to escape the grasp of Satan and death.

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God’s Eye View – John 17: 12b

None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

Judas is not generally a topic for discussion in polite Christian circles. The idea of having a traitor among Jesus’ disciples is repulsive to the mind. Yet, like everything else Jesus says, there is purpose and meaning in this sentence.

Jesus is talking with his Father with his disciples present. There is a lot of important information being relayed to God the Father, and the disciples are privileged to hear it. They are all listening intently. All except Judas that is.

Judas is off plotting with the Pharisees and Chief Priests to capture Jesus. He knows where Jesus hangs out, and he knows when he will be vulnerable and without the protection of the crowds. Apparently, the Pharisees and chief priests would not have been able to do this on their own. (I suspect that the reason for this is that even they had a sense of propriety about this. At some level, they could not be seen as actually hunting down Jesus. Having a disciple offer Jesus up, however, would be an entirely different matter.)

The person chosen to be a disciple and still betray Jesus to death had to meet a very special criterion. They had to be doomed to destruction.

Jesus does not elaborate on this point, but let’s apply what we know about Jesus and what he taught and see if we can make sense of this.

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What is in a Name? – John 17: 11

I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.

In today’s passage, Jesus once again shows us that he is not from around here. He says he is coming to the Father and that he will not “remain” in the world any longer. Jesus is a man who knows where he is going. He knows because he is also God, eternal and timeless.

He then asks that the Father protect those he leaves in the world. How? By the power of…?

Jesus asks that God keep his people protected by the power of His name. Then he adds, “… the name you gave me…” Now, which name is that? Whose name is that?

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