Colossians 2:18c – Monkey See, Monkey Do

A picture of Paul the Apostle speaking and in the background is a monkey watching him.

Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen …

Summary: Whether we are kids in grade school or adults at work, we all crave attention. Everyone wants to be popular. When a “new kid” comes to town, they seem to upset the balance of power and suddenly everyone is vying for attention. 

Here is an interesting thought: How does going into “great detail” impact a story? 

Does adding detail add to the story, or is the purpose of “great detail” to add credibility to the storyteller?

As I ponder Paul’s words in this passage I find myself reflecting on what people say and how they say it. Paul is pointing out a characteristic of a certain type of people. These are not ordinary, every-day people, but these are people who have a mission to corrupt the faith of believers. 

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Connections – John 13: 18b

But this is to fulfill this passage of Scripture: ‘He who shared my bread has turned against me.’

As a writer, I write a lot of words. Some here, some other places, and a lot that ends up in the recycle bin. Do I remember everything I have ever written? The answer to that is, “No.” There is simply too much. (Of course, the other factor is my imperfect memory!)

Referring to yesterday’s post, there are things that Jesus knows that we do not know. Some of that knowledge is hidden from us, some we are incapable of grasping. Some is right in front of our noses.

As I have come to know God over the years, I understand that He is the author of all Scripture. Not just the parts where he is quoted as saying something. Jesus, being one with God the Father, also knows Scripture. All of it.

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Centuries ago before Israel had even entered Canaan as a nation they were near the end of their forty years in the desert, They were camped in the plains of Moab near Jericho and there were so many people in the camp that they appeared to cover the face of the earth. There were so many people in Israel that they could not all be seen from one of the hillsides that surrounded them. The king of Moab hired a seer named Balaam to place a curse on Israel for him. Instead, Balaam blessed Israel and prophesied over her. At one point he says:

Continue reading “Planning”

Who, What, When, Where … Why?

God is amazingly good about explaining things to his people. So far in Zechariah’s prophecy, we have seen who is being raised up, what he will do, when this will happen, where it will occur, and now why.

…because of the tender mercy of our God...

Luke 1: 78a

This is not a ruthless mercy, a calculating mercy, or a pitying mercy, but a tender mercy. Such a phrase suggests a depth of love that might be expected between mother and child, or the new love of a man and woman. And why mercy? Well, we already know the answer to that. No one to this point in time has ever been able to live a sinless life.

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