The Way – John 14: 4

You know the way to the place where I am going.

If you have never read Ralph Moody’s books about his childhood, I strongly recommend them. Ralph was born in 1898 and grew up during a time when our country seemed much younger. He writes in a comfortable, engaging style. It is like he is sitting next to you by a campfire telling you the story himself.

In his first book, “Little Britches – Father and I Were Ranchers,” he tells of how he came to live in Colorado. The story is about the many adventures he had there while he was growing up. At one point in the story, he meets an Indian who works at their ranch for a while. The Indian’s name is Two Dog.

One evening, sitting by the barn, Two Dog shows Ralph where he lives by pointing towards the mountains in the distance. He explained the path to his camp and pointed out landmarks along the way. All this was miles away. It was evening, and they were just passing time.

Sometime later, after Two Dog had gone back home, the family horse, Bill, came down sick. Very sick. Ralph’s dad declared the horse was “done for.” Ralph believed two important things. One was that Two Dog could make Bill better. The second was that he could find Two Dog. The next morning he set out by himself, without telling anyone where he was going.

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