Colossians 3:9b – White Lies

Do not lie to each other …

Summary: Wondering about white lies leads us to wonder about the nature of truth as well. 

The “Food for Thought” question at the end of the last meditation was, “Are ‘white lies’ okay in church?” This sparked comments that raised more questions.

The consensus in the comments was that we shouldn’t tell “white lies.”  Lies are the province of the devil, the “father of lies” (John 8:44). Ergo, Christians should avoid lies of any kind. I agree, but what does that mean? 

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Colossians 2:18a – True or False?

Do not let anyone who delights in false humility …

the arrogant pharisee and the humble tax collector in Luke 18:9-14

Summary: Paul’s warning about people who “delight” in “false humility” sounds rather general but is actually quite specific. 

It is nice of Paul to warn us against people who “delight” in “false humility,” but how do we know who that is? In short, who is Paul talking about? 

In Paul’s day, the church was a new thing. People had the Old Testament writings for reference, but the New Testament was still being written. The Gospel message about believing in Jesus was spreading fast. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people who tried to add their own rules to the Gospel. 

The problem facing the Colossians in Paul’s day still faces us today: How do we tell who is speaking the truth? 

Continue reading “Colossians 2:18a – True or False?”