Vision Test – John 14: 22

Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, ”But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”

Judas asks an interesting question here. This whole chapter in John’s gospel has been about Jesus’ last instructions to his disciples. Throughout this study of John’s gospel, we have repeatedly noted that Jesus speaks as one who is not from around here meaning not from earth. The disciples have a hard time getting their head around the reality that Jesus is God. Yet even when they get that part right, they still do not understand what that means.

Why wouldn’t Jesus show himself to the world?

Judas bases his question on a false premise. He assumes that “the world” sees things the same way those who believe in Jesus see them. This is most certainly not true.

Those who believe in God base everything on the premise that God exists and that there are eternal consequences for our choices in this life. “The world” consists of people who do not believe in God and judge by what they get in this life instead of what awaits them after this life.

Since the world does not accept that God exists, they can look straight at Jesus and not see him. At least for who He is.

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