Double-Minded – James 1: 7-8

That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

I should have included this verse with yesterday’s post. Still, there may be something here for us. Let’s take a look…

James has opened his letter talking about “trials of many kinds” and how from a godly perspective they should be considered “pure joy.” He then writes that he wants believers to be “mature and complete, not lacking in anything.” Immediately he focuses on wisdom. We don’t know why, but James thinks it is important. All we have to do to get godly wisdom is to ask. The caveat is that we need to believe when we ask, Then James contrasts belief with doubts. He says the doubter is like a “wave on the sea.”

In today’s verse, he talks about people who should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

Who are these people? Who asks something from the Lord but does not believe?

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