1 Peter 1:23 — Two Camps

Tents and a campfire.

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 

When Peter addresses his letter to “the elect” (verse 1) who is he writing to? This question speaks to one of the hidden assumptions that we all make when we think or talk about the Bible. 

Generally speaking, people fall into one of two camps. In the first camp, let’s call it the world view camp, people believe (i.e. – assume) that the Bible was written by people about God. In the second camp, we can call this God’s view, people believe that the Bible is written by God through people. There is a radical difference between these two points of view. 

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Seeing Jesus – John 14: 19a

Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me.

Once again, Jesus speaks of the world as a place. Not the whole world, not all that we humans will ever know, but a place. He speaks much like we might speak of Hawaii as a place. It is a long way off. It is a unique place on this planet. But it is just one place among many. Jesus speaks in that same way about the world.

Two thousand and a few years ago, Jesus walked the surface of this planet as any person might. The difference was that Jesus had been here before he came to be a man. In fact, he made this place. Being Jesus must have felt a bit like a painter would feel if he could become part of his own painting.

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