
John 4: 1-3

“Now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John—  although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. So he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.”

In this passage, Jesus is told that the Pharisees were aware that he was gaining a following. Jesus then leaves Judea and goes back to Galilee. This passage raises a number of questions about what Jesus was doing and why.

John’s Gospel begins with a view of creation as a whole. He starts out, “in the beginning…” If John’s Gospel were a movie, we would expect the camera’s view to include the black expanse that existed before there was light and then with the introduction of the first few words we would see all that we know come into existence.

John’s camera view then takes us to the Word becoming flesh, and we are then moved quickly to the view of John the Baptist, herald of the coming Messiah. We know from the text (John 1:28) that this happened near Bethany on the Jordan River. In Chapter 1, after gathering a few disciples, Jesus leaves for Galilee (John 1:43) where we see him at a wedding turning water into wine (John 2:1-11) and then a few verses later he is back in Jerusalem (John 2:13). In the next passages, he clears the temple courts (John 2:13-25) and then talks with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21).

Clearly, John’s narrative is a thumbnail sketch! He shows us vignettes of key points in his gospel story. Each picture leads us to a better understanding of who Jesus is. At this point in John’s story, it seems that Jesus’ ministry is just starting to make progress. People are coming to him to be baptized, and the Pharisees are taking note of his success. So he leaves Judea and heads back to Galilee in the north. Why?

Q: Based on what you know of John’s gospel, why would Jesus leave his ministry in Judea to go back north, through Samaria, to Galilee?

6 Replies to “Timing”

  1. Community is only as big as we draw a circle,..Jesus was spreading His message,..because one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is LORD,..also another way of Jesus setting for us an example to go and make disciples of all nations,..

    1. John
      What a profound statement! We do define the circle of our community, don’t we?

  2. When following the leading of the Spirit we often don’t know the why until after the what.
    What happened next- span at the well.
    Why? Allowed Jesus to reveal all in verses 5-43 without the distraction of john’s ministry or baptisms or comparisons.

  3. Jesus is not looking to build a single Mega Church. He is the Son of God, God, and has an appointment with a woman in Samaria. Jews normally went around Samaria to get to Galilee from where Jesus was but a great event and lesson for all of us is scheduled to take place. As Duane says, Verses 5-43 explain.
    Jesus had delegated the actual baptisms of others to His disciples who were doing fine, just as He uses us to do His work today.

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