Happy Birthday, Blog!

Three Minute Bible is 1 year old today.

That is a bit of a surprise to me actually. It started out last spring as a summer Bible study for our Wednesday Bible study group. My hope was that people would enjoy having a few minutes in the Word every day with friends over the summer.

Fall came and the blog kept going. Now it is a year later and we are still only on chapter 13. (If you happen to be a Babylon Bee fan, you might enjoy this article: ”Pastor Completes Brief 47 Year Sermon Series on Book of Romans.” It will make this series on John seem short! 🙂 )

Thank you to all you who have stopped by to read and shared a comment. I have learned a lot from you and the stories that you have shared are often both amazing and touching.

Let’s Discuss: Can the blog be better? Is there something we should add? Are you learning about God’s Word here?

8 Replies to “Happy Birthday, Blog!”

  1. I am learning about the Lord and His word. I am thankful for the site and for all the efforts. Happy Birthday!

  2. I have learned a ton from this Jeff. I really appreciate your insights and efforts to provide something like this for the body. On a personal note, I especially enjoy your unique writing style. I also appreciate what everyone else brings to the table and love reading and discovering what others have to say and share. It’s a great place to join in fellowship and grow in the word. Thanks for providing us this and for everyone that contributes. Happy Birthday!
    P.S. Poor Rich, I hope you got some sleep brother! 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday! 🎉 We don’t always let you know we are here via comments but we are frequent fliers that enjoy the study and comments. Blessings!

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