Opposites – James 1: 6

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James has just written that God is generous in giving to those who ask for wisdom. He makes the point that God is not looking to find fault. God simply wants everyone to have wisdom.

But then James adds this little caveat: “.. you must believe and not doubt…” He compares someone who doubts to a wave on the sea, tossed around by the wind first one way and then another. So what is he talking about?

Belief is the quality of accepting something as true or real.

Allow me to ask another question: What is the opposite of faith?

Hebrews 11: 1 defines faith as follows: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

What is the opposite of confidence and assurance? Isn’t it doubt?

In a sense, James is making a point by saying you can’t claim to want to do something at the same time that you are doing the opposite.

You can’t want the light on in a room if you are turning all the lights off.

You can’t save up money if you are spending it as fast as you get it.

You can’t drown if you never go near water.

You can’t get something from God if you don’t believe God exists…

Application: Accept God as real. Believe and be wise!

Food for Thought: What would the world be like if everyone in it had the wisdom of God and used it every day?

5 Replies to “Opposites – James 1: 6”

  1. Great devotional. Not sure how to answer the question other than saying the world would be a lot better off than right now. So would our Congress.

    1. Thank you, Rich. I always appreciate your encouragement, brother!

      It is interesting that you mention our current political environment. I think the same can be said for business, our neighborhoods, and our churches. My personal view is that people usually split on the question of whether or not God is real. While that is rarely discussed in the public square, I think the question is at the root of people’s differences.

      Proverbs 1: 7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
          but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

      I think that there are people who do not believe in God who consider themselves very “wise.” Yet as we discussed yesterday, the world’s wisdom is not the same as God’s wisdom. Nor are the results. True wisdom is found in the knowledge of God. Everything else is based on the same philosophy Satan himself has adopted. The world is based on the primacy of “self.” Belief in God is based on a loving, all-powerful God who wants to be loved and to have us share in his work of loving others.

  2. The two places I think of as an answer to the question are the original garden of Eden and Heaven. I’m fairly certain we will not experience widespread wisdom this side of Heaven. I have heard it said that the opposite of progress is Congress.

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