Salt & Pepper – James 1: 18

He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

By now we have seen that James is a salt and pepper kind of guy. His writing is not bland or detailed. He is a man with a mission and he wants to fulfill that mission with as few words as possible. This sentence in James 1: 18 is a perfect example. Let’s unpack it a bit and look at all the treasures James has placed here.

He chose to give us birth…”

Jesus and Nicodemus come to mind. In John 3 Jesus is explaining to Nicodemus why people need to be “born again.” Nicodemus doesn’t get it. He is thinking of physical birth. Jesus is talking about spiritual birth.

“… through the word of truth…”

What is the “word of truth?” John tells us in the first words of his Gospel. His first sentence reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John also writes in verse 14 that Jesus is “… full of grace and truth.” Directly and indirectly, James is pointing to Jesus.

“… that we…’

Who are “we?” The “we” James refers to are those who believe Jesus is the Christ. While it is true that James is primarily writing to Jewish Christians, Paul includes all who believe in Jesus as members of Israel. He writes, “… not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.” (Romans 9:6)

“… might be a kind of firstfruits…”

The “firstfruits” have always been special to God. They are the offerings (Exodus 23:16) of thanks for a good harvest.

“… of all he created.”

James reminds us that all things have been created by God.

In these few words, James summarizes the gospel as the rationale for all that he has written in the first few verses. We are dead and need to be reborn spiritually. The means for rebirth is through Jesus, the word of truth. We (all who believe) honor God as a kind of firstfruit offering. The best part of all he created.


Application: Think of yourself today as an offering to God. See if that changes how you feel about yourself.

Food for Thought: Why is the concept of firstfruits important to God?

6 Replies to “Salt & Pepper – James 1: 18”

  1. Wow, that is quite a question my friend. One with a lot of background and history (but a great question). Admittedly oversimplifying it, first fruits is the offering of the first of a harvest back to God. In context with what James writes, those He gives birth to, His people, are the first of all creation to be received back by God. This means we belong to Him and not ourselves. We are His with all the blessings, privileges and responsibilities.

    1. Rich,
      Thank you for your wonderful answer! There are many times that I look into Scripture through the lens of a question and realize how little I actually know about the mind of God. It would be interesting to do an in-depth study on this topic.

  2. Unfortunately, we tend to give God our leftovers…or our excess. We should focus on giving Him our best.

    1. Hi Rob,
      Great point! How many times have I said a quick prayer when there is nothing else to do instead of making time with God the centerpiece of my day? I need to change that around!

  3. Great reminder guys to always give him what he deserves, my best. Everything I have that is good is already His.

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