Ecclesiastes 7:8 — The End of the Beginning

The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.

Dear Reader, 

The beginning of this daily blog was in response to two things: One was a personal challenge, the other was a perceived need. 

As a writer, I wanted to prepare myself for eventually publishing some of my work. The advisor who I was working with at the time recommended blogging. I said, “No.” I did not want to blog. I did not see any value in it. 

Eventually, I found myself sick in bed for a couple of weeks and bored. The idea of blogging was echoing back and forth between brain cells to the chorus of “No! No! No!” I still did not want to blog, but maybe I could explore having a website. 

Later, after experimenting with building websites, our men’s Bible study group began moaning that they wanted the study to continue through the summer. I shared their sentiment, but not their energy, so I decided to offer a daily blog during the summer featuring a discussion question. 

The beginning was tenuous, but after a few months, the daily posts began to grow. Each post seemed to take on more character. Today, it seems they have taken on a life of their own. 

The prior post, “Believers,” marks the end of a study on Titus. Paul’s tiny little letter has turned into tens of thousands of words. It has been a very interesting study for me. I have learned a lot. I hope you have, too. 

Beginning today, I am going to be taking a break. Lord willing, this is not “the end of the matter.” I hope to be back at the keyboard soon. Meanwhile, I plan to make a few updates to this site and attend to some personal business. 

In the interim, please feel free to explore Three Minute Bible! There are over a thousand posts here on all sorts of topics. If you are not already on the mailing list, please write a brief comment below and add your email address. Click the box that says “Notify me of new posts by email,” and you will get any future posts in your mailbox. If comments are not available, you can send me an email at and I will put you on the email list.

God bless! 

  — Jeff Englund

18 Replies to “Ecclesiastes 7:8 — The End of the Beginning”

  1. During your break I hope you will be actively engaged in your pause. A pause is the greatest gift in our lives. I am reminded of the turned phrase , “ Don’t just do something…stand there!” God taught us thus in the gift he gave us with the Sabbath.

    1. Feather,

      Thank you! That is wise advice. I tend to run pretty hard so I may have to consciously “work at” this pause thing. 🙂

  2. Good advice Feather.

    Jeff, this is an excellent blog. I believe the Lord has used it to encourage and change lives. I know my life is the better for it. Thank you.

    A break is sometimes needed and it is needed now. Thank you for your faithfulness, perspective, study and encouragement. May you be refreshed, renewed and blessed.

  3. Jeff,
    Thanks so much for your blog, encouraging ❤ thoughts and insights.
    I am delighted you are taking a respite for a time of refreshment, reflection, dealing with some personal matters, (prayer 🙏 for Debbie ect. ) .
    As you make some site updates I trust more great 👍 messages are in store in the future.
    If you could just get a break from a one or more of God’s problem children, like myself, 😇 not, experience a few class B miracles, ect.
    I will be praying for you during your hiatus 🙏
    You are a blessing. May the Lord bless you – like a whole bunch- so you can continue to bless and encourage others.
    Have a great 👍 day everyone. Enjoy the sunshine, and bask in God’s presence. He is so good, even when our circumstances might seem to tell us otherwise.
    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever ❤ (Psalm 106:1).
    The Lord is good, and His 💘 endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations (Psalm 100:5).

    1. Jeff,

      Thanks for the smiles and the kind wishes! I did not know that there was a classification system for miracles! Perhaps you can tell me more about that sometime? 🙂

  4. I’m glad you have come to value the practice of blogging. Your daily faithfulness to the project is impressive. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  5. This is by far better than blogging, are a great curator,..thank you for being unbiased with answering my questions, have helped me grow in many ways,..BSF and now this venture,..

    Keep me on the list for when you put things back in gear,’s been a wonderful walk through the letter to Titus with you,..

    Thanks you for your words of wit as well as wisdom,..words have power,..

    Be safe and keep smiling in Christ!

  6. Thank you Jeff for being a great servant of our Lord. I’m glad that God wanted you to do this daily devotion instead of some publication. I probably wouldn’t have come across it. Your website has helped me during my walk.

  7. Jeff,
    I’m glad I was able to read this and share in some of your thoughts and struggles with your process here. I find it interesting how much resistance you had to this idea, but how the Lord has used you in this. I love you dearly brother and hope that your time off is a blessing to you as you have been to others. I think it’s great too that maybe even if there aren’t new post at this time, that there is so much material here to still go through. Thanks for being you and surrendering your time over in this service for us.
    Love in Christ,

    1. Thank you, Chris!

      I appreciate both you and your words deeply! And yes, God does have a way of overcoming resistance… 🙂


  8. Jeff, haven’t checked in for several days so just now getting caught up on your sabbatical plans… We are praying for Debbie & you. 🙏

    1. Thanks Nathan!

      So far, so good. I am keeping up with comments for anyone who wants to check out past posts. Just be patient because comments take a while to appear on the blog now.

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