1 Timothy 2:1 — Thank you!

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—

Thank you for your patience and your prayers. Debbie and I are getting our energy back slowly and I have found that I can still crank out a few more blog posts. Starting tomorrow, Lord willing, Three Minute Bible will be back online. 

These past two weeks have been an interesting journey. God has caused me to view everything in life differently for a few days. He has taught me to rely on Him more directly and more intimately. I hope that I won’t soon forget these lessons! 

Meanwhile, I hope that you are healthy and able to join back in the discussion on the blog. 

Speaking of discussion, I have changed the comment settings because of the volume of spam this site is getting. If your comment does not show up immediately, please be patient. I may have to moderate comments for a while. If this doesn’t work, we will go back to the old system, but hopefully, with some patience, we can screen out a larger percentage of the spam.  

Application: Continue in prayer! 

Food for Thought: What is significant about the four specific types of communication with God that Paul outlines to Timothy? 

14 Replies to “1 Timothy 2:1 — Thank you!”

  1. Yay!!!


    This covers: repeated seeking/asking of the Lord, daily conversation and requests, requests made on behalf of another, and thanking God for the innumerable things He is, He does, and He gives. So, a wide variety of interaction with our God. Paul is not only encouraging this, but asking Timothy to start there, without wrath or dissention. And he continues to clarify the purpose is for the ability to live in godliness and dignity and the salvation of all men.

  2. It shows me that prayer is important and that we should be praying often.

    Father, thank You for Your healing touch in Jeff and Debbie’s life. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Please continue to heal and give relief to any remaining symptoms. Give them both rest, energy and strength. Surround them with Your peace and comfort them in Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  3. Great to hear from you Jeff!

    I just want to tell you that in the last two weeks I have come to realize just how much, over the last year and a half, that you have really “taught me” how to read God’s Word. Read it, ask yourself what it means, research and pray on what you don’t truly understand, and ask yourself how it applies to your life. Most importantly, apply it to your life. Thank you!

    What is significant about the four specific types of communication with God that Paul outlines to Timothy?

    Petitions-Asking for something from one of authority. As believers, God wants and expects us to ask of Him and depend on Him.

    Prayers-Talking to God about what is in our hearts. God is the only one you can truly tell your deepest thoughts to.

    Intercession-Praying on behalf of others shows compassion and connection with your neighbor. It also demonstrates your belief that God is greater than all things.

    Thanksgiving-Recognizing God’s hand in your life fortifies your relationship with Him.

  4. I think what is significant would be our constant contact with God.

    Today while out on an estimate the customer stated that no one listens to him complain,..I looked at him and said I take my complaints to God because He is the only One that will listen and when I complain to Him I go in my closet and shut the door. No one else needs to hear my complaints other than God anyway.

    He was like wow,..I need to do that someday.

    So is a petition like a complaint?

    Great to have you back at the helm Jeff, keep smiling in Christ!

    1. Hi John,

      Good to hear your voice, too! 🙂

      I love your story about complaints. Yes, if a complaint is a form of asking for things to be different, then I think it falls under the “petition” category.

  5. One thing that I find significant is that we should be praying for others all the time. All the different ways we should be praying for friends, family, the country, our neighbors, someone in need, your enemies, and yes even politicians.

    We missed you dearly and yes we prayed for you both.

    1. Well said, Tim.

      I have been learning more and more about prayer. There is so much to learn! And thank you for keeping us in prayer during our illness. We are grateful, deeply thankful, for our friends in the Lord.

  6. I’m not sure what the 1 before my name or the 2:1 after it means…… but I’ve been working on this…….
    Your welcome, I enjoy serving the Lord.

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