Ephesians 6:16b – The Devil’s Quiver

… with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Summary: The shield of faith is our protection agains the devil’s arrows, but if our shield is going to protect us, we have to know how big a shield we need. The answer to that and other questions about our shield is found by studying the enemy’s tactics and weapons.

You might have heard the expression that so-and-so is “on fire for the Lord.” Whatever that saying means, it is not about being torched by “the flaming arrows of the evil one!”

What are the “flaming arrows” that Paul is talking about, and how does faith in God extinguish them?

Flaming arrows do two things. First, they pierce. An arrow is designed to fly quickly through the air, and when it comes in contact with its target, pierce the flesh and bury itself in the body. Secondly, they burn.

The burning caused by the arrow can fall in two areas. One, if a flaming arrow hits your house, it can set the whole house on fire. If a flaming arrow hits you, it might cause your clothing to burn or it might simply cause extra pain as it enters the flesh. Of course, most of us can relate to what a “burning sensation” feels like.

Death, pain, and destruction are the reasons for flaming arrows.

The “shield of faith” has to do two things. First, it has to stop the arrow, and second it has to extinguish the fire.

How does faith do this?

The answer to this question depends on the kinds of arrows that the evil one is using.

As we consider this question, I think we will do well to stop and dwell on this passage for a bit. Are the arrows used by the evil one all the same? Are they different? If they are different, how are they different?

Bow hunters select their arrows like fly fishermen select their fishing flies. There is a lot to consider when you are serious about bringing down your game. The evil one is no less serious about his hunting. He knows our weaknesses, and while he is not God, he can make a pretty good guess about the kind of arrow most likely to get under our skin and do the most damage.

Faith is our shield, but before we can understand how our faith shields us, I think we would do well to understand the different kinds of arrows in the devil’s quiver.

Application: Think about how the evil one has attacked you in the past.

Food for Thought: Does the devil have a favorite arrow he uses for you?

13 Replies to “Ephesians 6:16b – The Devil’s Quiver”

  1. Thank you Jeff! Very insightful! Yes the evil knows what specific arrows to discourage us! Thank God that Our Lord provides an shield of faith to protect from the evil one’s attacks.
    May He who is greater than he who is in the world protect us from the personalized attacks of the evil one of us today! Amen!

  2. “Fear of man” is one that instantly comes to mind. Not that one is afraid of man, but that one looks to others for validation and approval. Its like looking for an apple. Fear of God is different than this. Seek His will and obey, and validation and approval is a part of the natural relationship with Him. Your faith is in the tree where the apples are produced abundantly.

    1. Chris,

      Interesting! Thank you! I would not have considered that one on my own, yet I agree. When we put our faith in men we are taking faith away from God.

  3. I think you are correct in pointing out that there are different attacks on different people. The demonic have lots of experience with people and probably have learned our individual chinks in the armor. This is good cause for self reflection and evaluation. Then prayerfully addressing those individual weaknesses and sinful habits.

    1. Thanks Rich!

      Not only are there different attacks for different people, but I’ve noticed the enemy using different attacks on me personally.

      I completely agree that self-reflection, self-evaluation, and prayer are major components needed for a strong shield of faith! 🙂

  4. Great insights. Thank you all!

    10-25-2023, Does the devil have a favorite arrow he uses for you?

    Joseph was repeatedly fired on by Satan, yet he kept his eyes on the Lord, and not only overcame every test, and did in fact experience blessings from God who gave him a heart and the power to bless many who had meant to harm him.

    Genesis 50:19-20,  Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God?  But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

    Unlike Joseph, I have spent many years serving satan as I lived a life “all in for sin.” God called me out of darkness, into His light and knowing exactly what I was, loved and cared for me as He gently revealed, and placed His Truths in my heart, and has been my guide into His righteousness.

    Today like Joseph, I am in the place of God, an imperfect being serving our perfect God, knowing I can only remain here as I live in His righteousness. I am very comfortable, very aware and alert to the ways of our enemy, but I am easily angered when I hear people in positions of authority, teach falsely about our God.

    1. Ron,

      Thank you! I like how your bring Joseph into the picture. I’ve been thinking about Bible stories that illustration different arrows, but you’ve got me thinking along a broader track now. Almost every person in the Bible – actually, probably every person – has a story about the devil’s arrows.

  5. Thanks for the seeds you plant here Jeff.

    I think you are right about arrows being fired at everyone. We know satan took a run at Jesus at least once. Probably more.


  6. Does the devil have a favorite arrow he uses for you?

    Hmmm….. what constitutes an arrow?
    Depression, what people say, mysterious illnesses, hatred, bitterness, unpleasant happenstance?

    I ask this, because it’s been posed to me before, that Satan and his demons really only need to nudge us toward destruction, and we do most of the work for him ourselves.

    Our culture will find any ‘scientific’ reason to dissuade ourselves from believing spiritual things happen. We’re wrong.

    Other cultures would claim demonic forces are behind every unpleasant thing. I’m pretty sure that’s wrong too.

    I think we suffer from a lack of discernment. We don’t see the source of the arrows and our shield is in the wrong place.

    Our culture left the shield I’m the floor of the closet. Others try to block people, and germs, and bad weather with the shield and get shot because Satan’s hunting blind is in another direction.

    I also remember a teaching of how the devil can’t read out minds. My response to that thought is always, “No, but he has had thousands of years to learn how to read people. So he’s the best con artist in existence.” So yeah, he probably knows our weak spots, the gap in the armor.

    The point perhaps is, where do you draw the line on his ability? What is the devil’s darts? What is circumstance? What is explainable and not?

    1. Angela,

      Thank you! Well said!

      You write, “Hmmm….. what constitutes an arrow?
      Depression, what people say, mysterious illnesses, hatred, bitterness, unpleasant happenstance?”

      My answer is, “Yes.”

      All of the above. Tomorrow our discussion will be about Job, who suffered all of those things all at once.

      As far as knowing where the line is on the devil’s ability, I think the answer is found in the Bible. In particular, the Book of Job shows us a picture of the devil and the limits God places on him. He is free to tempt us, but cannot touch. We are free to fall into temptation and its consequences or to serve God and follow the guidance of his Word and his Spirit.

  7. Does the devil have a favorite arrow he uses for you?
    It might not be a certain arrow but more so who the evil one uses to shoot the arrow. A family member who can get real close to you past your defense when your not prepared. Some of the deepest cuts are from those who we love because they are able to get in close to your weak spots.

    1. Tim,

      Well said! What you say is absolutely true. Like Jesus being betrayed by one of his own disciples, we are most vulnerable to those we are close to.

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