Ephesians 6:19-20 – Prayer List

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Summary: Paul asks for the church at Ephesus to pray for him in specific ways. Today, Paul is with the Lord, but we can still pray in ways that honor his request.

Given that our brother, Paul, is now with the Lord, he no longer needs our prayers. That said, several things in this passage are excellent topics for our prayer time with Jesus.

First, we can pray for the message of the gospel:

  • Pray that the words Paul was given and were recorded in the Bible will still be effective.
  • Pray that Paul’s words are proclaimed fearlessly to people everywhere.
  • Pray that the “mystery of the gospel,” would be made clear to those who have not yet heard or have heard and are hungry to know more.

Second, pray for those who carry the gospel:

  • For all the “Pauls” whom God has called to carry his Word, pray for courage and strength.
  • Pray that those who preach the gospel will remain true to the gospel words taught by Paul.
  • Pray for their protection and provision wherever God has called them.
  • Pray especially for those who work in ministry and shepherd God’s sheep.

Third, pray for those who are in chains for the gospel.

  • Pray they would know the Lord’s presence while they are in chains.
  • Pray that the light of the gospel and our Lord will shine brightly through them while in prison.
  • Pray that they would exhibit God’s compassion and love for those who have imprisoned them.
  • Pray that their ministry in prison would bear fruit.
  • Pray that their suffering will encourage those not in prison to be bolder in sharing the gospel.

Application: Pray for the light of Jesus to fill our world.

Food for Thought: How does having a “list” of things to pray for help or hinder our prayer time with Jesus?

9 Replies to “Ephesians 6:19-20 – Prayer List”

  1. How does having a “list” of things to pray for help or hinder our prayer time with Jesus?
    I think a list is wonderful that way you can pray and check it off the list. Things aren’t forgotten as easily, and you can always just add a few more things that aren’t on the list. It’s a distracting world and a list can help you get back on, track, path, coarse, to your conversion with our Lord.

    1. Thanks, Tim!

      This truly is a “distracting world.” Sometimes I think that is by design — or at least intent (the devil’s intent!). Yet God still provides access to his glory and the glory of Creation if we look for it.

  2. I believe it is helpful to keep a prayer journal to remind us of what we have felt we want to bring or have been asked to bring to the Lord in prayer. I think it can also hinder us if we dont pray in compassion, empathy, truth, and for things that don’t bring glory to God.

    1. Chris,

      Lists are like a two-edged sword. They can help, but if we rely on them too much, we lose sight of who we are praying to. I agree.

  3. I agree with T and CH. And I think lists are very helpful for focused prayers. If you think about it, even the Lord’s Prayer is a type of list that comes directly from God. If too rigid with lists it can be a distraction as one thinks more about achieving the list rather than connecting with the heart of the Lord. At least that is sometimes a problem for me.

  4. 11-28-2023, How does having a “list” of things to pray for help or hinder our prayer time with Jesus?

    I love the fact that each of us are truly unique in Christ, having been known and prepared for our individual ministries in Christ before conception. Prayer lists are a great, helpful tool for making sure we do not forget someone or something.

    We all live knowing we have been reconciled with and exist in God. Romans 5:10, 8:29, Ephesians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 5:18 and I have developed a practice of praying for the person asking for prayer, immediately! On the sidewalk, in stores in church.

    In an empty Plaid Panty one day, a disturbed clerk who knew I was a christian, asked me to pray for her. I said sure and we bowed our heads and prayed right there. I thought it was a short prayer, but when we raise our heads, there were four new customers quietly standing in the store at the front door.

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

    As followers of Christ, we should be praying throughout each day. We can pray no matter where we are, at work, in school, in the car, the library. If you are out in public, you can at least pray in our heart. God still hears the prayers you say in your heart.

    This does not mean we should stop setting aside time to pray each day, but to pray throughout the day including our prayer time. The more we pray, the closer we grow to God, the more we realize how great our God is and how we need Him to be with us every second of our lives.

    1. Ron,

      Thank you! Yes, “pray without ceasing” hardly leaves any time for list making. 🙂

      You have touched on something that is important to me personally. A formal “prayer time” can be hard, but “real time” prayers like the one you describe in the store seem easy.

      Both are important. Daniel set aside three times a day for prayer which I think is wise considering all the daily distractions we endure.

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