Galatians 2:9a – Esteemed as Pillars

James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me.

Summary: Paul continues to provide evidence of the validity of his gospel. This passage is especially powerful in that it links Paul with the most authoritative people on the planet.

Do you know what a pillar is and what it does? Would you like to be one?

According to my online dictionary a pillar is “a tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal, used as a support for a building, or as an ornament or monument.” The key word is “support.” A pillar supports the weight of whatever is above it.

In the early Christian church, the “weight” of the church’s teachings rested on the testimony of those who knew Jesus best. Those who knew him the very best were “Peter, James and John the brother of James” (Matthew 17:1). (Peter was also known as “Cephas.” [John 1:42])

Being described as a “pillar” is especially appropriate for a Christian leader. Jesus taught his disciples that “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35) The pillars of the church served by supporting the teachings of Jesus and serving their master by being shepherds for his flock. (John 21:17)

It is obvious from the tone of Paul’s words that he does not consider anyone important outside of Jesus. The “pillars” of the church, in Paul’s eyes, are “those esteemed as pillars” by others. This fact testifies to Paul’s confidence in his relationship with the living Jesus. This is what Paul means by the “grace given to me.” Jesus not only forgave Paul his sins, but he called Paul to be an apostle (Galatians 1: 15-16).

If you ever doubted Paul’s message or his calling as an apostle of Jesus Christ, this passage should put an end to that doubt. There is no higher authority on earth to appeal to. “James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as pillars,” have validated Paul’s message for us. Nor do we have to rely on Paul’s testimony alone. Peter affirms this validation in his writings (2 Peter 3:15-16).

To use Paul’s phraseology, Peter, James, and John considered Paul a pillar, too.

Application: Trust God’s Word.

Food for Thought: What does it say about Barnabas that he, too, received the “right hand of fellowship?”

6 Replies to “Galatians 2:9a – Esteemed as Pillars”

  1. I think it shows that Barnabas was also a person of calling, accomplishment and standing in the early church. In Acts 13: 1 – 3, it was Barnabas along with Paul who were set aside as missionaries by the Holy Spirit as the church fasted and prayed.

    In Acts 4: 36 – 37, it was Barnabas who sold a field and placed the money at the Apostles feet to meet the needs of others. It was in that same passage that we see that he had received the name Barnabas, which means son of encouragement. That encouragement was seen when according to Acts 11: 25 – 26, Barnabas went to Tarsus and found Paul and brought him to Antioch to form a team (it was Barnabas who put the band together, not Paul). That encouragement was also seen in his investment in John Mark, who was also his cousin (Colossians 4: 10).

    So no doubt he would be included in the right hand of fellowship by other leaders of the faith.

  2. 01-31-2024, What does it say about Barnabas that he, too, received the “right hand of fellowship?”

    Agree with Rich,

    Giving the right hand of fellowship was “a solemn act of partnership signifying acceptance, agreement and trust”. This handshake or a clasping of the right hand or forearm is used as a way to affirm a promise, to seal a deal, to communicate mutual trust, or to enter a partnership.

    In the case of Paul and Barnabas meeting James, John, and Peter, the giving of the right hand of fellowship seems to also have included the idea of accepting someone into an existing group. It was a handshake of fellowship.

    Galatians 2:9b, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship;

    “ that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision. “

    Just as each person will have a very similar yet distinctly different initial encounter with Jesus, the Jew and Gentiles as groups, responded to unique ministries, and Barnabas was fully equipped to effectively minister to the Gentile.

    1. Thanks Ron,

      A handshake doesn’t mean what it used to these days. There was a time even recently when a handshake was a bond, similar to what Paul and Barnabas experienced.

  3. It is amazing how rapidly worship and feeding the flesh has become a priority for the perverted.

    In Korea, General Cesty Puller with 14,000 Marines was surprised to find themselves surrounded by 140,000 Chinese. When asked by a junior officer, why he was so HAPPY, He replied. Colonel, don’t you understand, any direction we fire in, we are going to kill Chinese. He turned his Marines into a porcupine and for three weeks fired in every direction as he moved back to friendly lines.

    Great example of keeping our eyes on Jesus, knowing our objective, why we have been left on earth, and serving as we move closer to this objective. Any direction we look in, we can find someone who needs the love of Jesus in their life.

    Keep up the Great work Jeff!


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