Galatians 3:1a – Electric Gas

You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?

Summary: Paul expresses his frustration with believers who allow the gospel to tainted. We don’t need other beliefs. We just need Jesus.

In a recent Bible study at church, we were discussing why Jesus calls us “sheep.” The gentleman sitting next to me had read a book about sheep and shared some funny stories.

One of those stories was about “cast sheep.” If a sheep ends up on its back, it is stuck. Shepherds call these sheep “cast sheep.” While the idea of a sheep wiggling its legs in the air is humorous, the reality is more serious. If the sheep aren’t set upright, they die. (Their digestive system and circulation don’t work well upside down.) Death can come as quickly as two or three hours, so the good shepherd has to keep a close eye out for cast sheep.

Another story he told had to do with a sheep that had tried jumping over a ditch only to end up stuck in the mud. The farmer had to come to his rescue, wading into the mud and wrestling the sheep out of the ditch. No sooner had the farmer turned the sheep loose than it did the same thing again, trying to jump over the ditch, it ended up stuck in the bottom of the ditch again.

Does this sound familiar? Do we believers sometimes end up on our back or stuck in the mud? Do we find ourselves unable to free ourselves from our pride or curiosity? If we do, especially if we do it over and over again, it might seem like we have been “bewitched.”

Paul clearly feels he has done a good job of presenting the gospel to the Galatians. He is convinced that when he left Galatia, they understood the true gospel of Christ. Now, something has happened to confuse the churches there. Paul has learned that the message of the gospel he left with them has been tainted. The pure gospel is no longer pure.

We know from many references in Paul’s letter that the impurity he is concerned about is the teaching that even Gentile believers need to be circumcised. Paul rightly sees this teaching as one that binds those who accept it to the old covenant law. To Paul, this is like teaching someone who owns a Tesla that they need to put gas in their car. It doesn’t work, and it is dangerous!

The rest of Paul’s letter is Paul’s reasoning on this matter. He carefully explains his thinking and offers a persuasive plea to abide by the pure gospel.

Application: Don’t mess with the gospel!

Food for Thought: What might Paul say to a Galatian who regretted getting circumcised?

11 Replies to “Galatians 3:1a – Electric Gas”

  1. What might Paul say to a Galatian who regretted getting circumcised?
    It’s just the tip. You’ll never make that mistake again. God and Timothy knows your pain. Faithful follower of Jesus. Not following what Timothy did.
    Don’t literally try to physically circumcise your own heart……. or anyone else’s. Let me tell you a story about Zipporah and what she did……
    I’m sorry…….

    1. Tim

      I love your “stream of consciousness” answers! You point us to some basic truths about this situation. The you “cut” to the “heart of the matter.” Well said! 🙂

    2. lol brother. I appreciate the humor in this. Made me laugh and made a good point.

  2. Maybe I’m reading into the question a bit, but I would think that a person who regretted getting circumcised might be a bit angry, or at least wrestle with a anger. I think Paul may have had to deal with two possible personalities: someone who genuinely wanted to do the Will of God, and someone who wanted to “buy” their way in. I think both would feel a bit “defeated.” The issue of adding circumcision to the salvation Christ gave is one that has manifested itself again through time, even in our modern age. You can read stories of how people feel after they realize that have followed a false teacher, one that added “new” rules to the gift of salvation. That some were genuinely seeking God’s Will, and were led astray. Also, some just wanted to complete a checklist and earn their way into heaven. In both cases I think they feel deceived, ashamed, defeated, and angry at themselves, the false teacher, and even God.

    I think Paul would have encouraged people to live in grace and truth. That the salvation Christ gives is not through works, but through faith. I think he would have encouraged them to seek Christ, accept His gift as He gave it, and make Him Lord of their life. That any works in His name that come after accepting His gift are done out of love. I think Paul would have also encouraged them to seek the council of the Holy Spirit.

    Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

    John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    John 15:26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.”

    1. Chris,

      Welcome back! Thank you for sharing thoughts about the two types of people. That is an insightful perspective.

      You make a good point when you remind us that people are still doing the same thing today — adding things to the gospel message that become a “checkbox” or a barrier of some kind.

      The way back to God from wherever we are is always through Jesus.

  3. I think Paul might say something like he said in 1 Corinthians 7: 17 – 19: Regardless, each one should lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is what I prescribe in all the churches. 18Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man still uncircumcised when called? He should not be circumcised. 19Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commandments is what counts.

  4. 03-04-2024, What might Paul say to a Galatian who regretted getting circumcised?

    Rich covered this very well, but I will simply state the following.

    We are imperfect beings seeking to serve our perfect God. God is aware of this and He not only has, but is daily communicating this truth to all believers, by the conviction of His Holy Spirit

    Look at Abraham, Genesis,12:10-20; 20:1-11, twice lied and jeopardized the safety of his wife, Sarah. Tamar, played a prostitute to sleep with Judah, her father-in-law, Genesis 38:15-18. Judah had sex with Tamar, thinking she was a harlot Genesis 38:13-14. Moses killed a man, Exodus 2:11-14, and many many more.

    Or study the New Testament
    Romans 3:23, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
    Romans 7:15, I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
    Ecclesiastes 7:2, Surely there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.
    James 3:2, We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

    In my 46 years as a believer, I have been in the process of being transformed by the Holy Spirit of God, and today I am a much, much different man than the man called by God so many years ago. I have experience conviction and repentance in more areas than I can remember. Rather than regretting my past imperfections, I focus on praise and gratitude to my God who has exercised great restraint and forgiveness as He has been the power to reveal and remove these imperfections and I continue my journey toward the day I will kneel before Him and He will complete this process He has begun. I have no regrets as I live knowing the great love and patience He has demonstrated as He has done His work in me.

    1. Thanks Ron!

      I love how the answers here focus on God’s willingness to forgive based on our faith in his Son, Jesus Christ.

  5. This is why God always gives you such thought provoking questions. Keep the faith brother!


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