Galatians 3:12 – The Physics of Faith

The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, it says, “The person who does these things will live by them.”

Summary: Paul draws a contrast between faith and law, which leads to an unlikely comparison between faith and physics.

We know Paul was very concerned about people turning away from the true gospel because of this letter to the Galatians. We are only a third of the way through his letter, and already he has made his point. Only Jesus can save us. Human effort to follow the law cannot save us.

In this passage, he touches on the difference between faith in Jesus and the law. Paul writes, “The law is not based on faith…

When Paul uses the word “faith,” he is using a word that represents a kind of shorthand for a larger concept. I can’t speak for Paul, but my impression of the concept goes something like this:

Faith is not a “thing,” and it isn’t something we do. Faith is a word that describes a relationship. More than that, the relationship has to be between one spiritual being and another. I use the phrase “spiritual being” to differentiate us from other things. Humans have a spiritual component reflected in who we are, what we think, and what we choose to do.

For example, consider the relationship between the Earth and the sun. The Earth orbits around the sun, held in place by the laws of physics. If it traveled any faster, it would fly off into space. If it slowed down, it would crash into the sun and burn up. Its orbit is finely balanced.

While there is a physical “relationship” between the two, there are no spirits involved that could be considered similar to a human personality. Now consider what might happen if we give the sun and the Earth personalities. What would change?

Suppose we call the Earth “Maybelle” and the sun “Mollie.” Like people, Maybelle and Mollie now have personalities and wills of their own. If they don’t cooperate and hang onto each other, they will fly apart or crash together. Either way means the end of the Earth as we know it.

Because Maybelle and Mollie have wills of their own, their relationship relies on more than the laws of physics. They each must trust that the other will cooperate in maintaining their relationship. Put another way, they have to have faith in each other.

Like the Earth, we orbit around the “Son,” Jesus. Unlike the Earth, our “orbit” is not defined by physics but by faith. It is our trust in Jesus that keeps us close to him. It is our belief in him that draws us near.

Like the relationship between planets, the “law” Paul refers to does not involve our spirit or our personality. It is defined by what we do, not by what we believe. If we could follow God’s law perfectly, we would do it without thinking, like the Earth orbiting the sun. That is why Paul says, “The person who does these things will live by them.”

Application: Consider why you do what you do.

Food for Thought: How does having a “will” make it impossible for us to follow the law?

4 Replies to “Galatians 3:12 – The Physics of Faith”

  1. Our will has been tainted by sin. Our rebellion against God and His rule have separated us from God. Without the intervention of God through the work of Christ, we are in a desperate state. Thankfully, God has provided what we need through faith in Christ (Isaiah 59: 2; Romans 3: 21 – 26; Roman’s 6: 23; Colossians 2: 13 – 15).

    1. Thank you, Rich.

      Well said! “Tainted by sin” is putting it mildly. Like the Israelites we are a “stiff necked” and “rebellious” people.

      Thank you for the excellent verses! (Link here)

  2. How does having a “will” make it impossible for us to follow the law?

    We are spiritual beings, confined within these physical bodies with a great misconception of what we actually are. In this physical world, we actually believe we know the difference between right and wrong, and have the power to choose right over wrong. It is a lie, we willfully choose and actually live in a lie, believing we are good as we live according to the standards our flesh have chosen to live within.

    Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Only Jesus demonstrated the power, strength to exercise His free will and live free from all sin, fully within the law, every moment of everyday.

    Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin.

    We know our God reveals this truth to each of, and at the appropriate time each of us according to His will makes our personal choice regarding our eternal destiny. John 16:8

    Those of us who receive Jesus will begin the lifelong struggle of daily, moment by moment choosing, to follow God’s law in our own personal power, or the eternal power of Jesus Christ.

    Romans 6:11, Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

    As we die to our will, Christ’s will shall prevail over the sins which we are powerless over.

    1. Ron

      What an interesting way to put it: “As we die to our will…”

      Well said.

      It is part of the division between flesh and spirit.

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