Colossians 2:16a – Only Jesus

Therefore do not let anyone judge you …

Summary: Paul continues to explain what it means to be a believer in Jesus. Human rules count for nothing. All that matters is faith in our Savior.

As I sat down to write this meditation, I was debating with myself about whether or not I should tackle the whole verse. The more I stared at it, the more the first seven words cried out for special attention. So … before you judge me, know that I at least thought about including the whole verses before I chopped it up.

When Paul says, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you …” I tend to think to myself, “Yeah, right.” How does Paul expect us to stop people from judging us? On top of this is a larger question: How is the church supposed to function if people are not to judge?

Let’s start with the second question first.

Paul’s letters suggest that church — even the church in his day — is not a piece of cake. Belonging to the Body of Christ is not for the faint of heart, no matter who you are.

Paul’s letters to the early churches were not written just to say “Howdy.” They were written because people were judging each other. Some Jewish Christians still believed in circumcision, and they judged the uncircumcised as being unsaved. Paul disagreed. Moreover, he taught everyone who would listen to disagree with that teaching as well.

The key to understanding Paul on this issue is first understanding the word he uses for “judging.” The word in Greek is “krinō.” Like many words, it has many meanings. It can mean that a person has formed an opinion about something, or it can describe a judge handing down a binding sentence.

We can’t stop people from having opinions about what we do, but we can stand up to people who cast aspersions or make judgments in public if they are not in keeping with the Gospel. Which brings us back to the first question.

Paul’s complete sentence reads, “… do not let anyone judge you by what you …” and then he lists things like eating and drinking, religious festivals, or special days on the calendar. As he continues, he lists even more things.

Paul wants us to focus on Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and our Life. There is nothing that can be added to what he has done for us on the cross. If someone tries to shame you because you are not following their “rules,” Paul says “do not let [them] judge you.”

Application: Those who have in Jesus are not afraid of other people’s opinions.

Food for Thought: How do people use judging others as a kind of weapon?

4 Replies to “Colossians 2:16a – Only Jesus”

  1. How do people use judging others as a kind of weapon?

    When I read that question the word that comes to my mind is “weaponizing.” People have the capability of “weaponizing” just about everything you can think of, and in doing so, they are trying to exert some kind of “control” over another. Usually with the implication or outright statement of a denial of something or loss of something if the other person doesn’t comply.

    I think judgment by others is a more popular form of weaponization because, frankly speaking, we all have a inner need for acceptance, connection, and love. Judgment by others targets our sense of acceptability, connectiveness, and lovability. It conjures a fear that we are unworthy of receiving those things, and therefore denied the ability to express them as well.

    I think it is important to distinguish council from judgment. At a basic level, judgment involves an altered perception of the truth designed to persuade another toward a realty that benefits the person judging. Council involves presenting the unaltered truth to assist another in making choices that bring them to “the goal.” When we speak of counseling in the Lord, the goal is the upward call of Christ.

    In all matters, it is the truth that is important. The best defense against judgment is the truth. As we explored in yesterday’s meditation, Christ exposed the truth of the men who crucified Him. They cast judgement on Him, but the truth about Him was revealed, and it revealed the truth about them. If we allows Christ to work in our hearts, make our character more like His, we don’t need to worry about the judgement of others, the truth will be revealed in His time.

    Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

    Proverbs 1:23
    If you turn at my reproof,
    behold, I will pour out my spirit to you;
    I will make my words known to you.

    John 15:26 But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.

  2. Good devotion and another good comment CH.

    I will only add that the world uses judging others as a weapon all the time. They judge others who disagree with them and then weaponize that by calling them names or canceling them rather than engaging them in meaningful discussion. We should not follow suit but seek to please God rather than people. We should seek to love people rather than control them through childish mind games.

    1. Thank you, Rich.

      Love, like Truth, brings us back to the source of all life — God. As you point out, if we follow God rather than people we are on the right path.

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