John 14:14 — Prayers – Update

“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” - Jesus

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thank you all for the prayers that have been offered on our behalf. God is gracious and we are coming through the other side of this thing. We still have a ways to go before we are firing on all cylinders. Thank you for your patience!


Jeff & Debbie


Picture: three giraffes seem to be talking to each other.

I received an email asking if it is okay to share with others. The answer is yes! Absolutely! 

This is not a commercial site, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share it. The mission here is simply to help people hungry for God’s Word to dive in deeper. The hope is that by exploring God’s Word in-depth, we grow stronger in our faith, and we find answers to questions along the way. 

Continue reading “Sharing”

A Monster Named Desire – James 1: 14-15

…but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Inside each of us is a monster. In this passage, James gives the monster a name. He calls it, Desire. This particular monster has a twin, whose name is Desire, too. This other desire is good. The Good Desire longs to be with Jesus and do his will. The Bad Desire… Well, Bad Desire is one that leads us away from God’s will.

The monster named Desire is hard to recognize because it is so adept at changing size and shape. Look around inside your head and your heart. Are you burning with desire? Is there something you want more than anything else? Is it a good desire or a bad desire? When we are content, Desire shrinks down into the shadows. Desire hides, but it never leaves.

Continue reading “A Monster Named Desire – James 1: 14-15”

More Belief – John 14: 29

 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.

Throughout the gospels, we see moments where the disciples are absolutely convinced of Jesus’ divinity. In John 6: 69 we see Peter affirming this when he says, “We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” Yet there are levels of belief and we humans are bound in a temporal world. One minute Peter says “… you are the Holy One of God,” the next we see him denying he even knows Jesus.

Jesus wants us to really believe. When we possess the kind of belief that Jesus has in store for us it is no longer possible to doubt Jesus is who he says he is. When we really believe that Jesus is Lord is when the miracles happen.

Continue reading “More Belief – John 14: 29”

Happy Birthday, Blog!

Three Minute Bible is 1 year old today.

That is a bit of a surprise to me actually. It started out last spring as a summer Bible study for our Wednesday Bible study group. My hope was that people would enjoy having a few minutes in the Word every day with friends over the summer.

Fall came and the blog kept going. Now it is a year later and we are still only on chapter 13. (If you happen to be a Babylon Bee fan, you might enjoy this article: ”Pastor Completes Brief 47 Year Sermon Series on Book of Romans.” It will make this series on John seem short! 🙂 )

Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Blog!”